5th International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics IWFOS 2021,
23–25 June 2021, online
Dear colleagues and friends,
we announce that the registration and abstract submission for IWFOS 2021 is open now. Please, read and follow the registration instructions; they will guide you through the registration and submission process.
Here is a summary of the important information:
- Most of the information presented on the workshop website is updated.
- Registration and abstract submission is open from March 15 to May 21, 2021.
- Previous registrations and abstract submissions for IWFOS 2020 are no longer available. Participants previously registered for IWFOS 2020 have to create a new account for IWFOS 2021, fill in the registration form and submit their contribution abstracts again. Contribution abstracts approved originally for IWFOS 2020 and re-submitted for IWFOS 2021 will be reviewed in a reduced procedure.
- There are two types of contributions: standard oral presentations and posters with short oral presentations. Several invited talks will be presented.
- Details on the workshop schedule and how to access the online workshop will be specified later. Please, follow the workshop website https://iwfos2021.sci.muni.cz.
We are looking forward to seeing you online.
Marie Hušková, Philippe Vieu, Ivana Horová, Germán Aneiros
Co-chairs of the Scientific and Organizing Committees,
and the Local Organizers