IWFOS 2025
Dear colleagues and friends,
we are writing to announce that your favourite conference on functional and nonparametric statistics,
the 5th International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics IWFOS 2021,
will be organized on 23–25 June 2021 as an online event.
As you know, the 5th IWFOS was planned to be held in June 2020 in Brno, Czech Republic and had to be postponed to June 2021 due to the covid pandemic. Since the epidemic situation has not improved, we considered either another postponement or an online workshop this year. We chose the latter possibility because we think it is important that communication and exchange of ideas continue already this year. We hope that it will be possible to return to the traditional format in the coming years.
Here is some information that may be useful:
The exact format of the workshop will be determined based on results of the survey of interest. Participants previously registered for IWFOS 2020 will receive an e-mail with the weblink to the form of the survey of interest.
Detailed information will be communicated in the first half of March 2021. You can follow the workshop website https://iwfos2021.sci.muni.cz.
We are looking forward to seeing you online.
Marie Hušková, Philippe Vieu, Ivana Horová, Germán Aneiros
Co-chairs of the Scientific and Organizing Committees